he Ecomoist® Natural Screen Cleaner has been formulated to safely clean all surfaces like:
LCD, LED, TFT, HD TVs, Plasma, Touchscreen, smartphones, TV Screens, Tablets, Keyboards and E-readers.
It comes in a Smart Size 100 Ml bottle (carry with you everywhere) with an Extreme High Quality Microfiber Towel. The Screen Cleaner is Bio-Degradable and Hypo-Allergenic and does not harm the coating of the mentioned surfaces. The Ecomoist Screen Cleaner is also Anti-Static.
Direction of use:
Simply spray on the microfiber towel (included in the box) and gently wipe the existing dust and stain areas of the screen.
Also You can use for:
- Plasma TVs
- Mobile Screen
- Tablets
- Keyboards
- Mouses
- Laptops
- HD TVs
- Kindle Fire
- … and all touch screens